The Beginning

From the Desk of maybe you heard the name before, maybe you know me personally, maybe you saw me on Social Curator or even on social media … but, maybe you don’t know much about From the Desk of and where it came from. Allow me to tell you!

I spent 11 years working in Marketing for my local church when I lived in Atlanta, GA. I started out as an administrative assistant and assisted the Marketing Director for four years. After our communications director moved into the missions field, I was promoted to Communications Coordinator, where I worked directly with our copywriter and managed all the content and communications that went out from our department. I did this for two years and then was promoted to Project Manager. I was the first project manager to be added to the project management team after the existing project manager became the project director. I was in this role for six years. It was such a perfect fit for me! It was in this role that I learned so many things about marketing communications and administrative work. This is where I really got in my rhythm and my expertise to become a marketing communications manager.

Last year after feeling led to be closer to my husband’s family, live in a smaller community, and be surrounded by a quieter and simpler lifestyle, we moved to Tallahassee, FL. Upon moving here, we decided to start a journey into foster care and become foster parents. I always knew that when I became a parent I wanted to be at home for my kids, and not be stuck in an office job out of the home. So that began the journey of launching out on my own!

I started contracting for the church and department I left when coming to Florida, and realized doing contract work would be the perfect way for me to be at home, while getting to do what I’m really good at and what I love! From there my virtual assistant and marketing communications management business was born, now called From the Desk of

If you’re an entrepreneur share with me how you got started!

This article is from the series, About From the Desk of

Read Part 2 in this series here.

Read Part 3 in this series here.
